Day 57. Unproductive week


1 min read

After putting in a ton of hours Sunday and Monday, I've not done much this week. I started the Todo app - did the basic layout and wrote a couple functions, like adding a to-do, but then I was a bit busy and also anxious since I'm moving tomorrow, so I was distracted and haven't touched the Todo project since. I did a bit of reading on various further sections, and watched bits of videos here and there, but really I was mostly working and running errands and just being lazy in my free time this week. I'm a bit scared I'll lose motivation and drop everything (it's a risky time, almost 2 months in - I think last time I did App Academy I dropped it around the same time). However, September shouldn't be too busy, and also this time I don't feel overwhelmed/stuck/like things are too hard, I looked at the topics ahead and they all seem doable. So... after the move, I should be able to resume my coding habit! Hopefully, I'll actually finish Todo this week (or at least do a meaningful amount of work on other sections?)