Day 45. Stuff's getting complicated


2 min read

I've been busy and forgetting to write stuff down in my notes every day, so this update is on a Tuesday instead of a Sunday. I finished the Library project. It wasn't too hard to add the remove and the toggle. I was having problems with the trash icon alignment, but I moved it to another place, and now the alignment works fine).

Finished Tictactoe on Friday. I did use factory functions and modules, and sort of figured out how to make stuff accessible and access it, so I guess I kind of got Factory Functions and Modules section? But my code seems a bit messy... but moving on from this project for now, need to keep the momentum going.

The challenge for me was figuring out how to make the board unresponsive when popups are displayed (when the winner would be displayed, you would be able to mark the board which is not really desirable) - it's simple with adding and removing event listeners, but I got super confused with how to move stuff around. It didn't take TOO long and I kind of got what I was doing, so that's a plus. Also, my stuff isn't looking very nice (and I didn't make Tictactoe responsive), but... for now it doesn't matter much. I'll work on it when I get to the next HTML-CSS section.

I started going through ES 6 modules and Webpack, went through the tutorial. It worked with a warning (apparently that's not a big deal, as search on Discord told me), but I'm having trouble understanding the src and dist logic. I started the Restaurant project and just wasn't quite sure if I'm placing things in the right places. So I'm going to take the next couple days (busy busy with some doctor's visits and tests) to go through it again and maybe seek out a tutorial, see how another real-life project is done maybe, to understand how it works. It doesn't seem to be too hard, so I'm not too discouraged, just see that I need to take more time to not rush and go through it. Maybe I'll step away for a bit and go through a couple videos on a playlist (someone recorded how they're making a website from scratch, the full process with their thinking through stuff) I saved. Next couple weeks are going to be busy since I'm moving, so I'm going to try to focus on keeping programming going, but I won't achieve too much. Hopefully by the end of next Monday I'll finish the Restaurant project?