Day 36. Bad week


2 min read

I've been doing something most days, but still I feel like I haven't done enough. I started the main track (decided on JS) and started working on the Library project. I figured out the main logic with adding the books and displaying them in a table fairly easily, but then spent a couple days working on the input form that shows/hides. I found a solution that used jQuery, but ended up doing it in regular JS (got ideas from that solution though). Well, okay, so I did do something this week.

Mainly two days I've been feeling off - I had to have two wisdom teeth removed, so Wednesday and Thursday I was relaxing, not eating, feeling a bit week. Also had a couple doctor's visits, overall a pretty busy week. Last couple days have been upset (got news that I need ortho surgery which is super scary and got me distracted). Trying to distract myself from all that, I was going through some readings for the Factory Functions section - taking a break from Library for a bit. But I need to get back to it - I just need to figure out the remove a book function, and the read toggle.

I'm still probably going to need a couple days to get myself together, but I will try to make them not zero days.