Day 79. Emerging after a cold (at least not COVID)


3 min read

I've been sick the last week, today just getting out of it. I did do some work done before I succumbed to the cold and now, emerging. I created a little schedule today planning out TOP's sections and projects week by week (no idea, of course, how long exactly each one will take, but if I'm right, I'll finish everything by end of April). We'll see if I was right! Of course, I'll try to beat it, but... I might be completely wrong too.

So I did finish the Weather App project. It wasn't too hard, and I still have to finish some readings and videos in the corresponding sections. I made it change background depending on weather, and C to F, of course. I did have some problems with the API key when I published it (it stopped working, I guess, the bots found it), so I made a new key and hid it (found some solution online where you put the key in a separate object and then don't push it to GitHub), but now the live version doesn't work properly on GitHub, so here's the repository. I found some other solutions, like something with .env, but that was done with React and I haven't gotten to that yet. So maybe I'll come back and fix it later once I'm through React.

Also TOP published new HTML and CSS content (with more manageable projects (argh the evil Google Homepage)), and I decided I'll go through it, since I still don't feel great about my CSS skills. So I finished the Recipes projects today. Easy and fun! I even played with designs in Canva, so it doesn't look as terrible as most of my stuff.

I also did some work before I got sick on Form Validation, so just need to finish that this week. In my plan, I set it up so that I do the HTML + CSS section of Foundations and then the HTML + CSS section of my full stack JS path in parallel with bits and pieces of reading and practice I need to get done next (things like Dynamic User Interface Interactions, reading on ES and linting (I did set up the linter before I got sick as well but didn't finish all the material), and testing...) so that I don't get bored and have stuff to switch between. But the next big project is the Battleship. I've done it before in App Academy, but that was two years ago and in Ruby, all done in terminal, without nice looking user interface. So we'll see how it goes and if I finish it in time (supposed to finish it third week of October). And then excited to finally move on to React!